CS610 Current Final Term Papers
Fall 2011
Define simplex and full duplex connection? (2 Marks)
Answer:- rep18
What are the functions that the IP multicast abstraction allows an application running on an arbitrary
computer to do? (2 Marks)
Answer: (Page 142)
It also allows arbitrary computer to send message to a group (even if not a member).
Give the address, find the number of subnet bits? (2 Marks)
What is the functionality of address resolution software in layering? (2 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 100)
Address resolution software hides ugly details and allows generality in upper layers.
Why we need the variants of NAT? Explain it with the proper reasons? (2 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 131)
Variants of NAT
The basic NAT simply changes IP addresses. But Network Address and Port
Translation (NAPT) (which is another modified form of NAT) changes IP addresses and protocol port numbers
too. It is the most popular form of NAT.
Twice NAT is another variant of NAT. it is used with site that runs server. In this process NAT box is
connected to Domain Name.
What are some of the metrics used by routing protocols? (3 Marks)
Answer:- click here for detail
2 types of metrics used by routing protocols are:
-Hop count-this is the number of routers a packet must travel through to get to its destination
-Bandwidth-this is the “speed” of a link also known as the data capacity of a link
How ICMP can be used to test different tools? (3 Marks)
Answer:- rep
You are working in a Star organization as a network engineer. The existing network comprises of 120
systems. What will be your analysis about delay should it should be smaller or higher? Give reasons.
(3 Marks)
ABC industry is using different network technologies in its branches. Can all branches communicate
with each other? If No, then give reason? [3]
Which type of NAT fails if an application uses the IP addresses instead of domain name? And why?
(3 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 132)
Twice NAT fails if an application uses the IP addresses instead of Domain Name. Because Basic NAT does not
work well for communication initiated from the Internet. Twice NAT allows a site to run servers. It requires the
DNS to interact with the NAT device.
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of routing information protocol (RIP)? (5 Marks)
Answer:- rep19
Network engineer has three address resolution methods. How many methods does TCP/IP support in a
real environment? Write names of methods and support your answer with solid reason? (5 Marks)
Address resolution algorithms can be grouped into three basic categories:
• Table lookup
• Closed-form computation
• Message Exchange
TCP/IP can use any of the three address resolution methods depending on the addressing scheme used by the
underlying hardware.
Have any technique used for achieving reliability in TCP? (5 Marks)
Answer:- rep
CS610 Current Final Term Papers
Fall 2011
Why EGP not use routing metric? (5 Marks)
Answer:- rep
What is the difference between an interior gateway protocol and an exterior gateway protocol? Name an
example of each. (5 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 135)
It is used among routers within autonomous system. The destinations lie within IGP.
It is used among autonomous systems. The destinations lie throughout Internet
As the Internet grew, the original Classful addressing scheme became a limitation, what is the designed
solution. (5 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 90)
As the Internet grew, the original Classful addressing scheme became a limitation. The IP address space was
being exhausted because all networks had to choose one of three possible sizes. Many addresses were unused.
Two new mechanisms were invented to overcome the limitations, which are as follows:
• Subnet addressing
• Classless addressing
Instead of having three distinct address classes, allow the division between prefix and suffix to occur on an
arbitrary boundary. The classless addressing scheme solves the problem by allowing an ISP to assign a prefix
that is, 28 bits long (allowing the host to have up to 14 hosts).20
How can a datagram are transmitted across a physical network that does not understand the datagram
format? (2 Marks)
Answer:- Click here for detail
When an IP datagram is encapsulated in a frame, the entire datagram is placed in the data area of a frame.
Describe the process of routing packets (2 Marks)
Answer:- Click here for detail
Routing is the act of moving information across an internet work from a source to a destination.
How ICMP can be used to trace a route? (2 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 118)
There are two possibilities used to detect the destination.
Send and ICMP echo request, destination host will generate an ICMP echo reply.
Send a datagram to a non-existent application, destination host will generate an ICMP destination
unreachable message.
What is the basic concept of Twice NAT (Network Address Translation?) (2 Marks)
Answer:- rep
What is the scale or level of requirement in of IPv6? (2 Marks)
Answer:- rep
What are the three approaches for datagram forwarding? (3 Marks)
Answer:- rep
What are the some of the metrics used by routing protocols? (3 Marks)
How congestion control by TCP? (3 Marks)
Answer:- rep
CS610 Current Final Term Papers
Fall 2011
1: Limitations of parity checking? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- (Page 19)
Parity can only detect errors that change in odd number of bits for example the original data and parity is
10010001+1 (even parity) and the incorrect data is 10110011+1 (even parity). We see that even no. of bits have
been changed due to noise so parity checking can not detect this error.
Parity usually is used to detect on bit error.21
2: how can we prove that we have 2,147,483,648 addresses in class A.? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- Click here for detail
In class A, only 1 bit defines the class.
The remaining 31 bits are available
for the address. With 31 bits,
we can have 231or 2,147,483,648 addresses
3: what is meant by the client server paradigm? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- rep
4: why is internet multicast routing difficult? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- rep
5: where should an ICMP message be sent? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- (Page 117)
ICMP message is sent in response to incoming datagrams with problems. ICMP message is not sent for ICMP
6: what is the basic concept of twice NAT? ( 2 mark )
Answer:- rep
7: what are the some of the metrics used by routing protocols? (3 Marks)
Answer:- rep
8: How can switch virtual network be established? (3 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 70)
Each pair of switches in the path communicates to choose a VPI/VCI for their tables. Once the connection is
established by the destination, a message is sent back to the originating computer to indicate the SVC is ready.
If any switch or the destination computer does not agree to setting up the VC, an error message is sent back and
the SVC is not established.
9: Could IP be redesigned to use hardware addresses instead of the 32-bit addresses it currently uses.
Why or why not? (3 Marks)
Answer:- Click here for detail
No, IP is not redesigned to use hardware addresses instead of32-bit addresses
IP addresses must have a hierarchical format so, it supports the hierarchical routing
Hardware addresses such as the 48-bit Ethernet addresses are chosen from a flat address space and have
no provision for a “network address” to be used for Internet routing.22
10: Three features of dynamic message method in ARP. (3 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 97)
11: in internet routing how does a host join or leave a group? (3 Marks)
Answer:- rep
12: why TCP is called end to end protocol? (3 Marks)
Answer:- (Page 123)
It provides application-to-application communication.
Applications can request a connection. TCP connections are called Virtual Connections. They are created by
software only. Internet does not provide software or hardware support for the connections. TCP software
modules on two computers create an illusion of a connection.
13: If IPV4 works so well. Why change it? (5 Marks)
Answer:- rep
15: Main advantages and disadvantages of Routing Information Protocol. (5 Marks)
Answer:- rep
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